The Power to Act with Intelligent, Creative Energy
KriyaShakti • The Power to Act with Intelligent, Creative Energy •
Kriya means “To Act, to Create” and Shakti (associated with the female goddess energy) means “Power” and “Intelligent Energy”
KriyaShakti - the act of creation with intelligent feminine energy
Our work
KriyaShakti Performing Arts is dedicated to the creation and presentation of Theater and Dance work representing and reflecting the female South Asian perspective. Our drive is to amplify the South Asian female voice through supporting the creative expression of SA artists, selecting material that shares the stories of our diaspora, and presenting performances that employ traditional and contemporary SA artistic forms. Expansive in its range of artistic expression, KriyaShakti Performing Arts presents works of Theater, Dance, Dance-Theater, and multi-media.
our mission
Our mission is to amplify the South Asian female artistic voice; a voice that intelligently creates to inspire change, empathy and action, while representing, reflecting, and addressing the untold stories in the diaspora.